March 26, 2023

Exploring the Rise of Valerie Tian: From Small Screen to Big Success

When it comes to the entertainment industry, many people dream of making it big. But few have the determination, talent, and opportunity to see that dream come to fruition. However, Canada’s Valerie Tian has accomplished just that. Over the past few years, she has transitioned from a child actor to a Hollywood star. In this blog post, you’ll learn about Valerie Tian’s journey to success, the challenges she faced along the way, and how she rose to the top of her field.

Valerie Tian: A Star is Born

Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Valerie Tian started her acting career at the age of nine with a minor role in the local TV series “Cold Squad.” However, it was her breakout role in the 2005 film “Juno” that put her–and her acting skills–on the map. She played the character of Su-Chin, the rebellious best friend of the titular character, Juno.

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While she continued to appear in small roles over the next few years, it was 2012 that marked a turning point in Valerie’s career. She landed a recurring role on the TV series “Supernatural,” where she played the character of Sarah Blake.

Valerie’s Breakthrough: The Man in the High Castle

Valerie’s true breakthrough came in 2015 when she was cast as a series regular on Amazon Prime’s “The Man in the High Castle.” The alternative history series, set in a world where the Axis powers won World War II, was a huge success. It was also Valerie’s first time playing a major character. She played the role of Jennifer Smith, a member of the Resistance.

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In an interview with “The Vancouver Sun,” Valerie described the experience as “an absolute dream come true” and said she was grateful to be part of such an important project.

The Challenges of Hollywood

While Valerie Tian’s career has seen many high points, it hasn’t been without its challenges. One of the biggest hurdles she’s faced is the issue of stereotyping. As an actress of Chinese descent, she has often been typecast in roles that rely on stereotypes and cliches about Asian people. However, Valerie has been determined to break out of these limiting roles and has worked hard to show that she can play a variety of characters.

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Valerie’s Future Projects

Valerie Tian’s recent success has allowed her to take on some exciting new projects. In 2020, she starred in “The Silence of the Marsh,” a Spanish crime thriller. She also appeared in a guest role on an episode of the popular Netflix series “Away.”

Looking forward, Valerie has a lot on her plate. She’s set to star in the upcoming Canadian film “Chaos Walking,” based on the popular young adult novel of the same name. She’s also been cast in an upcoming sci-fi thriller called “Radius,” alongside popular actors Diego Boneta and Charlotte Vega.


Q: What was Valerie Tian’s breakthrough role?
A: Valerie’s breakthrough role was as Jennifer Smith in Amazon Prime’s “The Man in the High Castle.”

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Q: How did Valerie Tian get her start in acting?
A: Valerie’s first acting role was in the local TV series “Cold Squad” when she was just nine years old.

Q: What challenges has Valerie Tian faced in her career?
A: Valerie has faced issues with stereotyping and being typecast in roles that rely on Asian stereotypes.

Q: What new projects is Valerie Tian working on?
A: Valerie is set to star in the upcoming Canadian film “Chaos Walking” and an upcoming sci-fi thriller called “Radius.”

Q: What was Valerie Tian’s role in “Juno”?
A: Valerie played the character of Su-Chin, Juno’s rebellious best friend.

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Q: What TV series did Valerie Tian appear in in 2012?
A: Valerie had a recurring role on the TV series “Supernatural” in 2012.

Q: What is “The Man in the High Castle” about?
A: “The Man in the High Castle” is an alternative history series set in a world where the Axis powers won World War II.

The Future Looks Bright for Valerie Tian

Despite the challenges she’s faced, Valerie Tian is clearly on the rise. With a growing list of credits and a determination to break free from stereotypes, she’s paving the way for future generations of actors. Her talent and hard work have paid off–and they’re sure to continue doing so in the years to come. If you’re interested in seeing Valerie’s work, be sure to check out her past and upcoming projects.

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